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Robed in dark green, Vel'Noths are one of the more dangerous variants on the wraith-like servants of the Dark Bubbling found on the Isle of Dal'Noth. They are fully covered by their robe, and only the gentle yellow glow of their bright eyes emanates from beneath the hood.

While attacking, Vel'Noth utilise not only a close-combat burst of energy, but a longer-distance lightning attack as well. This lightning is approximately half as potent as that cast by a Hel'Noth, but is quite deadly despite this.

When Votenkath set up a guard of his tamed undine around his castle, Qual used a team of Vel'Noths to bring down the Greater Death patrolling.

Vel'Noths are common on the surface and in the caverns beneath Dal'Noth.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM