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Josephus the Ancient is one of the twelve constellations found in the Solar Zodiac. Josephus the Ancient symbolizes creation and omnipotence.

In mythology, the Moon was so sad the Sun and the Earth made her destroy her children her tears nearly flooded the entire Earth. When it was time for the Moon to remove her final child, the Earth begged Josephus to ease his mother's pain. Josephus kissed his mother on the cheek and whispered to her softly. "Wipe those tears and do not cry; Forever we will join you, in the midnight sky."

Josephus the Ancient is the twelfth sign in the Solar Zodiac. The opposite sign of Josephus the Ancient is Ina D'Xus the Warrior

Josephus the Ancient is fire cardinal sign. Josephus the Ancient is the protector of the northern skies. People born under this sign are often energetic, creative and enterprising.

Josephus is associated with the numbers 12 and 0 and is considered to be both the beginning and the end of the Solar Zodiac.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM