Altared Justice - Krina KairouAt The Walls Of Puddleby - TorinBirth of a Healer - BorCaptivity - SleipnirDwarven Ascendancy - Krina KairouExile - ChitraFlame - ShatugaGone to Sea - TayraHard Fallen - ManxHedonist's Creed - Darshak traditionalHow Little I Know You - TorinLove's Awakening - SleipnirLunaria - LunariaMystic Dream - Tiggernight visions - Krend'aaOn Top of the Tower - TamOrga War - KoricPuddleby Seasonal Haiku - YojimboStand By You Clan - VagileThe Darkness Grows - Sans SerifThe Destroyer Cometh - LunariaThe Fifth Son - ArodThe Fisher-Thoom's Tale - HealeryThe Old Mirror - KatanThe Point of Sitrom Rogir's Cane - Michael AridfoxThe Twelve Days of Bawkmas - Seld'kar
All poetry is copyright their respective authors.