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DiotimaDiotima is a Human, is female, is a Mystic, and is wearing the symbol of the Moon. Much is unknown about Diotima's life prior to arriving in Puddleby. It is said that she is the offspring of a forbidden Human and Sylvan union. Diotima was raised by her sister Kendra prior to the Ripture War and both survived the ordeal. Diotima has taken on the symbol of the Moon by request of the Lunar deity after helping pull Slyph's fallen body out of the Abyss. Some claim that it was a coup d'état that allowed Diotima to infiltrate the Temple of the Moon. However, many sources disregard the accounts as unfounded. As a result, Diotima had exiled herself from the community for nearly a decade while coming to terms with the events which have transpired. Diotima is most notably known for her exceptional clarivoyance and sunstone tuning expertise, as well as the ability to dispell illusions from the unknowing eye. With the new found blessings the Moon has given Diotima, it is unknown the true nature of her current abilites. Diotima's abilities are derived from her complex emotional output. Most followers of the Sun focus on logic and the mind. Diotima has bridged the gap between emotions and the mind allowing her to channel her empathic abilites to those most in need. |