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The Guard of the Golden Tree is a very casual clan; a looseknit group of people who come together in friendship and try to promote kind actions.

The Guard follows the first two vows (only) of True and Gentle Knighthood?, which are:

  1. to Strive always for honour and justice.
  2. to protect the weak and succour the needful

The Guard of the Golden Tree was founded before the Ripture War. The first Captain of the Guard was the late Sir West.

The clan does not have regular events nor does it actively recruit new members. Membership is usually by invitation. Prospective members should be non-arrogant, friendly, or well-liked, and preferably someone who enjoys exploring a little, but not obsessed with personal advancement.

Some members of the Guard of the Golden Tree are Entoo? and Hrothgar.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM