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FalineasMoonstoneAs submitted by Polerand Greetings. Grave news? I think it is, but you judge. I was walking through northeast field with Solome, when I saw Falinea's bright blue wings, and so I ventured over to find her speaking with Wuss Magic. Apparently she is the normal winged centauress we all know, but with one small problem. Falinea says, "I was telling Wuss Magic that when the altar was stolen, my moonstone exploded--I've been unconscious ever since" That is the problem. I asked if it could be repaired, but she said there was no trace of it, so there was nothing to repair. It is not like ours, she said, it came from her old home, long since destroyed. Also, she was so weak, that she had to walk home, unable to fly, yet she still had enough energy to kill several Orga Warlocks, as she hinted at doing. What can we do? I don't know. Perhaps we can get Master Hekus to work up something for her to use, but her healing magiks are very important, not only to us, but to keeping herself from danger, as silly an idea as that may seem. Although, with self-healing not working, yet, I doubt it will matter much. On a lighter note, she says she saw her temple from the air and says it looks pretty. She didn't have much else to say about that, but given her condition, that is understandable. ;) See also: |