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A letter by the Healer, Llerendel, of the Dark Cloaks. It was published on a small leaflet, dating back before the Ripture War. It is preserved here.

"The other night, Puddleby was visited by a great firedrake, Midsummer. He was attacked almost as soon as he landed in town, and then flew off to the giant skeleton in the field northeast of Puddleby. Upon being assaulted there as well, he flew off to the mountains where the Greymyr reside.

Midsummer appears to have been attracted by a poetry contest that Galvin was hosting in town. The drake probably wanted to contribute; it appears that his primary mode of communication is via poetic images. Further, these images are received telepathically, by anyone using a sunstone.

Amidst the heckling and arrogant puffery spewed from some exiles, I tried to gain further insight to his condition. Midsummer appeared exceptionally distressed, and it showed though his "voice."

The close contact with the giant drake has affected me deeply. After he flew away, I meditated tenfold with Mentus, a spirit(?) master, in order to better touch the drake's deeper mind. The end result seems to be that I am affected by fits, and tend to speak in tongues.

Here is a poem I has constructed, with my commentary afterward, and now I lay down my pen. I must rest."

We heal in Her name
She is All

MidSummer's mate is the Blessed
The Great One's sorrow is unmatched

Grief and lamentation followed Her departure
She is lost and Her absence grieves us all

She dances amongst the stars
She rests in the place that is no place

Our journey will find and redeem Her
Our search for Her will take us far

She guides us as we seek to find Her
Her love shows the way to redemption

Our enlightenment is through Her love
Fail not, lest ye miss for Her return

A letter of explanation written by her husband, Notelrac, in an adjoining article.

"Long ago, Midsummer mated with an unnamed Drake. Midsummer declined repeated requests to name her during his visit. Whether the skeleton in the northeast field is the resting place of the mate is also unknown.

The mate went on walkabout one day, and never returned. Questioning Midsummer as to her whereabouts is an exercise in futility.

Llerendel feels that one way to cure the ennui facing experienced exiles is to go searching for this mate. Llerendel has also imbued this "Great One" with more traditional sacrificial/redeemer mythical figures, that are best left to the individual to think about.

She's also lot happier these days..."

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Page last modified on March 16, 2010, at 12:42 PM