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by Koric

The exiles faced off against big bad Bartok.
He was more than just a puny warlock.
Our sacred altar he did steal,
so we can no longer self-heal.

Mighty exiles dropped all their hunting
as Outcast began loudly grunting,
and the assault on Orga Camp started,
but exile efforts were half-hearted.

Fields of fallen wounded everyone's pride,
while Ther'Anger laughed 'til he cried.
Altar pieces were turning up outside our burg
Don't hold 'em too long...oops! Welcome to Purg.

Chains of exiles pulled the pieces to town
where they were met by Hekus with a frown...
Bartok returned to stir up more trouble
while Suu'ub was off trying to blow a bubble.

The battle was joined with Bartok in deep tanglewood,
and who else would be the victor but the forces of good?
But, alas, the heroes were felled at Bartok's death,
though after many said it was just Vagile's breath.

The horus brigade came to clean up the mess,
then returned to town, their situation to assess.
Suddenly, moonstones began to crumble
Lack of an altar or sat upon by Grumble?

One hundred thousand coins to purify, said Hekus to the masses,
and many exiles took him to court, looking like jack-asses.
And so the fund-raising has begun for the rite,
despite a what's-in-it-for-me mood that Hekus took as a slight.

to be continued...

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM