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At'n is a Journeyman Mystic, is male, is of an undisclosed race, and is wearing the symbol of A Snow Lemming.

At'n arrived in Puddleby around the year 540 of the Ascendancy. The story of At'n's so-called exile is quite a long story. The truth is, At'n is more of a refugee than an exile.

At'n lived on a nearby island chain west of the Lok'Groton islands. At'n grew up in a highly religious society whose primary deity was that of the Sun. At'n was born of a long line of Mystics and for centuries his family kept up with tradition. The teachings of his forefathers forbid the use of powers connected to war.

One day around the year 538 At'n's community was attacked by Darshaks. At'n was just a small child at the time and sat and watched hopelessly as his entire family and village was destroyed by the maniacal Darshaks that had invaded. At'n was taken captive and was shipped off to Ash Island.

As the warship approached the Lok'Groton chain, the warship was attacked by Megamouths and in the chaos At'n managed to escape. At'n found himself washed up on Voolcon Island and quite stranded for many weeks. At'n was able to make his way over to Puddleby Island with the help of some exiles.

At'n vowed revenge against the Darshak and quickly disregarded the traditions of the mystics from his home. At'n soon learned that war was the only way to stop those who wished him harm. At'n learned to enhanced his battle parties in ways they had never seen before. At'n has the ability to turn the tide of battle merely with his thoughts.

At'n currently resides in Puddleby waiting for the day he can return the favor to the Darshaks.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM