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Arbordale, along with Puddleby Hollows and the Flutuador, is one of the three housing complexes offered near Puddleby. Located atop a large tree in North Field, Arbordale offers traditional sylvan dwelling atop its spacious boughs.

Arbordale offers a wide range of housing options, ranging from a small, single bedroom which goes for 500 coins, to a spacious clan-sized home, which costs 4000 coins. Tenants are required to pay a seasonal fee (usually about a 10th the cost of the original room) to cover rent and upkeep.

Arbordale also offers a furniture store staffed by Ellen Athen, which has a rotating collection of furnishing which exiles can use to decorate their house. Unique among Ellen's collection is the woven leaf wall, which is a wall literally woven from living vines.

The caretakers who work in Arbordale include Triffida Oakheart, Ellen Athen, Fruta Devine?, Darlo Treehaven?, Twilla Treehaven?, Tam Puddlefoot?, and Erna Winwag?.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM