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Inu Teisei is half Sylvan and half Fen'neko, is a female, is a Healer, and is wearing a symbol of the Laughing Academy.

She is the daughter of Neko Teisei? and Ravenstorm. Her mother died in childbirth, and she was subsequently raised by Harlotta?, Punisher's birth mother. Punisher and Inu are half-sisters, by their father.

She was a skilled pathfinder, having mastered Giayl's Guide to Hidden Ways and Trillbane. Despite being fully trained in Trillbane, alas her long stay in the library has wiped out her ability to navigate.

She is a Shadow Pet of the Shadow Trees and has a Shadowy Collar.

Her collateral duties include:

  • Clan's scroll mistress
  • Sketchy reporter with the LA Inquirer.
  • Puddleby Players actor extraordinaire (in her mind).
  • Vision stoner, not the smoking kind, vision streamer

Related scrolls:

Inu's Ramblings

Clan Scrolls:

LA Inquirer:

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Page last modified on July 31, 2022, at 02:35 PM