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Deep in the Tangle Wood lie a series of camps which appear to be strongholds of the Orga. On the days of the full Moon, Mystics have been able to sense strong magic coming from deep within. As a result, exiles have launched a series of raids deep into Orga territory, in the hopes of learning what occurs there.

Many of those raids have been chronicled in detail, and Puddleopedia file copies of some of them may be found below.

See also:

Orga Camps, The
Fullmoonraid early spring of the year 538, by Aki
Camp tactics, by Aki
Fullmoonraid at OC4, by Nyssa
Fullmoonraid , Autumn 24,year 539, by Robin Greyhawk
Fullmoonraid , Autumn 24,year 539, by Babajaga

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM