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The Orga are a semi-sentient race of one-eyed arboreal humanoids that inhabits many of the forests to the northeast of Puddleby. They come in many shapes and sizes, none of which are friendly to exiles. They are easily identified by the booming of their drums, and frequently invade Puddleby from their nearest holding, Tanglewood. They have stolen the catapult, (which was eventually recovered, piece by piece over many years) and even the Puddleby altar, which was broken into pieces before being recovered.

It has been confirmed that there are multiple tribes of Orga living on Puddleby island. The commonly encountered tribe seems to have its farthest outpost in place in what we call the Orga Camp, with territory extending through the Snagglewood and Orga Outback to the Orga Stronghold. This tribe was lead by the fierce Bartok, before his second defeat at the hand of exiles.

A second, more recently discovered tribe, lives mainly in the Old Clearing (also called Hippie Hollow) near the South Pass beyond the waterfall in Gerag's Cave. These Orga rely heavily on spellcasters and recently were found to dabble in Blood Magic. Both tribes of Orga utilise fire magic and lightning in combat.

It is not clear whether Orga encountered on other islands belong to distinct tribes.

Orga are the most common type of Orga, hence the name. Generally they are very aggressive and will seek to impede the escape of exiles they come in contact with. Some are smarter than others and will attempt to attack from the flank or rear.

The various types of Orga are (listed approximately by strength and type):

Lanky Orga



Small Orga




Large Orga




Huge Orga:





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Page last modified on June 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM