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The Red Hands were the elite personal body guard of Emperor Mobius for over 200 years. Fighters in the Red Hands were raised in an experimental breeding program that was designed to create the largest and strongest fighters. All the fighters in the Red Hands were male, Ghorak Zo and trained in combat from birth. The Red Hands had a fearsome reputation for their brutality and strength.

At any given time there were two hundred Ghorak Zo fighters in the Red Hands. They were often given the most horrific and brutal of tasks such as murdering innocent Fen'neko children. Any sign of weakness in the Red Hands was justification for dismissal by death. The Red Hands were so named because of the bloodshed they caused, and because their hands were guilty of many unjust actions and red with blood.

They served using brute force after the failed Ghorak Zo invasion versus the Emperor's Dark Sentinels, when the Zo that survived entered under the service of the Emperor. At the end of two hundred years of service, when the emperor began to go insane, he became paranoid of the Red Hands and ordered the execution of all its fighters.

Twenty fighters of the Red Hands escaped in the execution attempt by five-thousand human fighters, who, like most fighters, had a deep fear of the reputation of the Red Hands. The Red Hands killed over three-thousand of the human fighters at this execution attempt. The one-hundred and eighty Red Hands that died in this slaughter died from long-ranged bow weapons. Most agree that if it was hand-to-hand or sword-to-axe combat, that the Red Hands would have slaughtered the five-thousand humans.

The Red Hands were replaced by the Dark Sentinels. For five years the surviving Red Hands fighters sabotaged various plots of the Emperor before being hunted by the Dark Sentinels. Of those that survived the first execution, fourteen were killed by Dark Sentinels. What became of the surviving six is unknown to the Emperor.

Exile Hon was the last commander of the Red Hands. Another confirmed fighter from the Red Hands is exile Natas.

The battle-cry of the Red Hands is, "Death to the Living."

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM