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Most powerful of the original Arachnoids, Green Arachnoids are fairly common wherever Arachnoids are found. They are very similar (some might say identical) in appearance to Jade and Emerald Arachnoids, but are not usually found in the same areas. Green 'noids are found in the deep cavern and occasionally in the Malachite and Pitch Caves.

They have poor defense, but make up for it with good accuracy, balance, and powerful claws. They can be identified by their intensely green body and the yellow stripes that cross it.

Green Arachnoids are part of the fourth circle Fighter test, and are a standard against which Fighters might measure their strength.

A Green Arachnoid also makes an appearance in the fifth circle healer test.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM