Below is a list of the locations of pairs of kyuems. Each kyuem in the Material Plane has a corresponding kyuem in the Ethereal Plane. A portal opened in a snell with a kyuem will lead to the snell with its corresponding kyuem in the other plane.
Material Plane
Ethereal Plane
Camp Dred
EP-2, Amethyst (NE)
Devil's Island Crater
EP-3, Onyx (SW)
Dal'noth Underground (S of barrier)
EP-3, Garnet (N)
Gungla Island (several E of landing)
EP-4, Garnet (N)
Portal Island
EP-4, Sapphire (center)
Greymyr Village (NW of Chief)
EP-5, Emerald (E)
South Forest (1S of East Farms)
EP-6, Sapphire (center)
Tenebrion's Island (Darshak Temple snell)
EP-6, Amethyst (NE)
Ash Island (1S of Dark Temple)
EP-7, Ruby (NW)
Tenebrion's Island (Flanders Field)
EP-7, Topaz (SE)
Metzetli Island (deep in Twilight/Greymyr area)
EP-8, Topaz (SE)
Kizmia's Island (N side)
EP-9, Sapphire (center)
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