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The Shadow Sisters
By Various Authors

Among the Moon’s second children were the ancients. [missing fragments]
Twelve of them remained when the rest were hung in the heavens as stars.
One of the remaining ancients looked at the Sylvans and Dwarves of the second children,
and the Humans, Thooms and the People of the third children and saw that they were too perfect.
He formed six daughters for himself from the shadows to infect flaws into the races that he might regain dominion.
He fashioned them as the embodiments of extravagance, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and ignorance.
The daughters he named Ash, Mirvi?, Jahloh?, Badosmi?, Pelma?, and Tanjah?.
He instructed his daughters to go forth and seduce the races.
One of his peers learned of the plan to corrupt the races [missing fragments]
[damaged text] feared retribution from the Sun and Earth if they discovered the daughters.
[damaged text] shaped six items from the light to assist [missing fragment] in battling the daughters
Before the daughters could complete their seduction, but too late to prevent them from sowing their seeds,
she met them in battle and the battle that ensued lasted a full passing of a zodiac.
When the she defeated the daughters, [missing fragment]
The Sun, Moon, and Earth took them and imprisoned them in the heavens with the elder ancients
The daughters still form a constellation [missing fragments]
[end of text]


  1. From Tenebrion's Astro-Theology vol. II - Features and Asterisms of the Terrestrial Skies

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