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LandOfShadowPresumed to be, "an alternative plane of existence". The earliest references to the Land of Shadow appear in the Creation Myths shared by the many peoples of Shan Deral. It is said to be, "a place where Light is Dark, and Dark is Light," from whence the Moon's Children stole a piece of that land's glowing moon, bringing with it a 'shadowy light?' of strange power. Some academics have asserted that the Greater Undine originally come from the Land of Shadow. Other traditions, including some stories preserved and shared by Tenebrion, speak of beings from the Land of Shadow waging a great war "to gain dominion over the Light"; these beings and their insatiable egos were only stopped by brightest of the Ancients, and with the Moon's assistance. Further Reading: The Land of Shadows in Ancient HistoryExploration of the Eastern Mountains of Puddleby Island has revealed numerous Triangle Plinths inscribed with messages written in the Ancient Language. Many of these messages tell the story of the Ancient civilization that once thrived on Puddleby Island, and may provide the historical basis for these myths.
Taken together, there is mounting historical evidence that the mythological Land of Shadow is indeed a real place, home to beings or forces that once made war upon the Ancients. Further, it is likely that these Shadows may still pose a threat to the denizens of Puddleby Island, the the greater Lok'Grotons and perhaps the world. The translations above of Ancient Language phrases were produced by the Puddleby Secrets Alliance?. |