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Why do I need base Atkus when I can get it from Atkite or fell?

Having your CM locked 100% or 50% into Atkite means you then can't make full use of the biggest benefit of CM, being able to turn Detha into Balthus, Darktur, or Aktur as you need it. As for fell, see below.

Why Evus4Lyfe?

So as a champion you have some choices about how to get your accuracy. I will list them in descending order of insanity:

  • Bodrus -- You can only get 50, and why would you ever train this as a Fighter you absolute psychopath?
  • Fell Blade -- Works as a crutch to get you to other methods, but actually trying to use it as your full time hunt weapon is a soul-crushing nightmare you will never* wake up from.
  • Bloodblade -- Just be a Bloodmage why would you do this to yourself
  • Erthron -- Dear Cone Beast no, you want as close to 0 Detha as you can get because the only real advantage of being a Champion is being able to use CM to turn Detha into something else when you don't want/need it.
  • Atkus -- Swengus exists, why would you train this?
  • Atkite -- It will work, but doing this means you hard cap the CM you can train, and halve the benefits of being able to turn your CM into Darktur.
  • Atkia -- Ok now we're in sane territory. Valid for an offense-focused Champion, but why would you do that when Bloodmages and Rangers exist and have far superior offense?
  • Aktur -- You can do it this way, but why would you if you could get accuracy via...
  • Evus -- If you're a brick, you need all of the stats, so why not get the accuracy with a bonus? The downside of course is that it's Evus4Lyfe because it will take a long time.

* Until you get Atkus somewhere else.

Why is the fell blade a soul-crushing nightmare to use

I'm glad you asked, let me explain:

  • RNGblade -- Ever been trapped or about to hit something and the mob suddenly turns around and moves randomly? Critters to this a lot, and if they do, that's a ton of balance gone. That is, there is an additional random miss chance that you can't really do anything about on top of your luck whiff chance.
  • The Gods Love Tight Spaces -- On paper, positional fighting seems cool. In practice, the tremendous number of areas with tight spaces means that if you're in an engagement in one of those places, you're basically not going to get any tags in that fight.
  • Brickstab -- Ever tried to backstab while bricking?
  • Hunts Are Chaos -- Good luck trying to get an entire hunt worth of fighters (and some Healers/Mystics who may not be paying attention) to leave the backside of enemies open for you to line up a stab.
  • Fast Paced Hunts -- You know those RNGblade whiffs? Good luck getting a second or third swing in on a fast-paced hunt.

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