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ChampionBuilds#1 "You merely adopted the labrys; I was born in it, molded by it." -- aka the precognitive build A champion who specializes in using the Labrys to fight. Somewhat ironically, the area of effect of the labrys is basically ignored or actively avoided if you want to use it effectively for anything other than coining. Basically there are 3 parts to the build:
* Specifically this is because Labrys do not have intrinsic Atkus conservation?, so you are forced to have specific amounts of Atkus and CM so that you can make your current Atkus conform to the value closest to what you are swinging at at that particular moment in order to prevent the balance? cost of the Atkus from significantly lowering your damage per second. ** This is because there is some conversion ratio of fell blade ranks to damage which is based on the number of targets struck but that does not have a balance cost, presumably to make Labrys not completely suck. ***Because you need an awful lot of Swengus and Fell ranks for the build to work. #2 "I AM BECOME DEATH, DESTROYER OF SNELLS (and XP)" -- aka the mage build. A champion who specializes in stoneform and lava cloak.
#3 "As long as I plan to brick" -- aka the Tell+CM build
* Yes, Atkus Conservation? is really good, but bloodmages get ~6.25:1 offensive stats from their blade ranks and rangers get between 4.25 and 2.25 + Atkus conservation + multistrike in 1 frame + conservation on killing blow. Notes on accuracy and how champions can get it, includes explanation of why Evus4Lyfe and why fell is a soul-crushing nightmare to use. |