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In Winter 564, trouble came from Orga territory. Small forces of Orga spellcasters began kidnapping exiles from town and chaining them to the Orga Camp, where they were questioned about the Altar. Growing more and more impatient about exiles' lack of cooperation, the Orga sent groups into the temple itself, where spellcasters surrounded the Altar and began chanting. The spellcasters were quickly slain, but not before their spell was cast.

The Altar began periodically shooting out lightning. From observations made by groups in town coordinating with a group in the Orga Village, these flashes of lightning marked the departure of a strike force of Orga from their village. Often an Orga Razzia led a group of Warlocks to town, with Orga Malice leading groups of Warriors. As days passed, these groups grew stronger, 'til finally the Orga took control of the Crystal Temple. The spellcasters began chanting, and then Bartok emerged, apparently summoned back from Purgatory by his forces. He retreated with his army back to the Orga Stronghold after leading exiles on a chase through the Snagglewood and Orga Outback. This marked the discovery of the overland route to the Orga Stronghold, just south of Katpus's cave.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM