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The Puddleopedia is an attempt to gather all the knowledge of the residents of Puddleby in one central location.

The original Puddleopedia was started around the year 540 by the Red Quill Clan, and its contributors soon grew to include members from the Puddleby Ornithological Society, Clan Hunter, and the Sisters of Benevolence, along with various individual contributors. The original Puddleopedia was designed by Brae?, with the help of Babajaga, Sleipnir, and Vagile, and was staffed by Astrid and Nevyn.

The Puddleopedia soon languished from lack of new entries, and the original Puddleopedia scrolls were lost when the shelves hosting the scrolls of the Red Quill burned down. Luckily, Astrid was able to recover and restore many of the entries. However, the Puddleopedia was still hopelessly outdated.

Finally, in the year 555, the Puddleopedia project was revived by several members of the Red Quill, including Nevyn, Weezoh, and Yhoo, along with the talented scrollmistress Viola. They decided to turn the Puddleopedia into a wiki, an open format that allows any and all exiles to contribute whenever they like.

Now the Puddleopedia is well on its way to becoming a useful resource, with thousands of new entries, thanks to its many contributors.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2009, at 02:23 PM