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Note: This article reflects speculation prior to the discovery of the Orga Stronghold. It was previously filed as the Orga Stronghold entry.

The Orga Stronghold is presumed to be the headquarters of the main Orga tribe on Puddleby Island. Our best hope for reaching this place seems to be through the Pitch Caves, and the exploration group known as the Pitch Assault Group has made great headway through these 'noid-infested caverns, reaching a ladder up towards the surface. However, the door above the ladder is securely closed at this point.

An overland route to the Stronghold must exist, as Orga have not been encountered in the Pitch Caves, but this route is not at all clear presently.

The mystic Wangah Rah claims to have been taken captive by the Orga and tortured in their Stronghold. His claims include Bartok's presence there, and he has said that the architecture suggests the Stronghold was constructed by the Winged Centaurs. This would be appropriate, given the near-annihilation of these creatures by the Orga during their war.

Update; submitted Day 86, Autumn, 563.

The Orga Stronghold has been found. Exiles saw Bartok disappear into a path during today's battles with the Orga during and after the resurrection of Bartok. After rescues had been finished, exiles decided to bring Jeepers, T.H.A.P. degree holder (Thoom of Horus and Advanced Pathfinding) to the path and see if he or Savior could open it. Jeepers opened the path, the exiles entered and fell to many bolts of lightning along with Fogs of Orga Malice and Orga Envy. The path can be found south of Katpus' cave.

WARNING: Exiles venturing into this area may become dinner.

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Page last modified on March 12, 2009, at 10:35 AM