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A small wooded area reached through the Spirit Wood, where numerous Tree Giants and Willow Giants can be found. Spriggins and foxweir also make their home here. Occasionally, Oak Giants or some of the wintry giants can be found as well. To find one's way into this small camp, one must traverse several hollowed trees. A common acronym used for the enclosure is TGBG. The area is a popular hunting ground for fighters through the fourth circle.

Large numbers of Tree Giants are also found breeding in several additional locations:

The Redwood Grove within the Foothills is sometimes referred to as Tree Giant Breeding Grounds II, or TGBG2.

Ash Valley also is deep within the Foothills.

The frozen cave on the Flying Island has wintry giants.

Gungla Island and Kizmia's Island also have Tree Giants in some wide regions, but seldom gathered together in one location suggesting a breeding ground.

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Page last modified on December 24, 2024, at 01:46 PM